Making pioneer rag dolls.


Step 1 – Researching and Reading
You will use the research sites provided to gather information. You will need to include specific details as you take notes.  Include joys and hardships that the Ingalls/Wilder families experienced at each new home place. Your notes should include dates and details about everything you feel is important to Laura’s family.

Pioneering Journeys of the Ingalls Family
Timeline of the Ingalls Family
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laura Ingall Wilder Historic  Home and Museum

Step 2 – Create Journal 
In the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, we learned about the family’s lives through the eyes of Laura. Your job is to tell the story through the eyes of a family member in an old time journal. You will tell about the joys and hardships they faced during their adventures. You and your partner will need to each choose an Ingalls family member to be as you write. You will write as if you are the family member you choose. You will need to have 9 entries, at least one from each place the Ingalls lived. Your journal will need to include dates, facts, personal feelings and pictures. Your journal can be created as a word document with pictures inserted to correspond with each event that happened. Peer editing should be used on each entry to check for spelling mistakes, grammar/language used, and correct factual information.

Step 3 – Timeline
After you finish your journal entries/word documents about your travels, your third step is to use detailed information to create a timeline in Smart Ideas. You may include pictures that were used in your journal.

Example of a timeline of Laura and Almanzo's life together.
Example of Space Travel Time Line

Step 4 – Create Presentation w/Artifacts
Your last step will be to work as a team of (3-4 students) to plan how to present your information to another classroom during the fourth grade Laura Ingalls Wilder Day. The presentation must include factual information and some type of visual aide about Laura and her family. Each member of the team must contribute and take part in the presentation.

Some suggestions for the presentation might include:

·        A model or diorama about a favorite event from the journals.

·        A pictorial timeline using important dates and events.

·        A power point presentation with pictures, dates, and information.

·        Create a skit to reenact and tell the story.


Step 5 – Laura Ingalls Wilder Day (presentation in authentic clothing)
While presenting for the other classes you will wear clothing from Laura’s life time to create awareness of the styles. Check the presentation rubrics on the evaluation page to ensure your presentation is clear and of good quality.